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Hard Corners


While there are funding challenges and some laws, rules or regulations may be impediments to better “hardened” schools, our schools’ greatest vulnerabilities exist because of voids in basic security policies and strategies—such as effective Code Red policies, communications/notification systems...and designated hard corners or safe areas within student occupied spaces—that will mitigate harm. (MSD Public Safety Commission, 2019)



Hard Corners:

  • The part of a classroom or other school space that cannot be observed from outside of the room when the door is locked (MSD Public Safety Commission, 2019).

  • In regard to school safety and security, a safe zone or hard corner is an area of the classroom that cannot be seen by someone looking through a window(s). (MSD Public Safety Commission, 2019)


Hard Corners as a Form of Security

  • The use of hard corners have been recognized as a school safety measure after the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida in 2018. They [hard corners] were born from the undeniable unpreparedness that is speculated to have costed the lives of many on Feb.14 (Kapoor, 2019).

  • Now, all Florida schools may be required to designate hard corners in their classrooms. There is not much information about the use of hard corners in other states.

  • They [hard corners] don't cost the school district any extra money while providing a potentially life-saving protection tactic (Lipman, 2018).


Why are hard corners important?

During the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School,

  • Only 2/30 classrooms had designated hard corners, but were obstructed due to objects (bookshelves, desks, etc.) being placed in area.

  • Thus, many students could not access or fit in the hard corners, leaving them in visible areas of the classroom.

  • The lack of...physical hard corners were identified as key causes of students getting shot (Kapoor, 2019).



  • Schools must ensure basic harm mitigation procedures and safeguards (i.e., hard corners) are in place immediately (MSD Public Safety Commission, 2019).

  • Classrooms should establish safety measures, such as hard corners or other safe areas (MSD Public Safety Commission, 2019).

  • Use tape (yellow/black) to designate hard corners in classrooms (McGivern, 2018

  • Do not fill these areas with large, unmovable objects. Complete quarterly checks to be sure there are no obstructions present (Bakeman, 2019).

  • Ensure students know the purpose of hard corners and how to use them.

  • Schools should practice using hard corners during drills (ensuring all students are out of the line of site from windows)

  • The use of hard corners should be used in conjunction with staff training on how to keep their students safe during various crises (Kapoor, 2019).



Bakeman, J. (2019). Broward School Board Approves ‘Code Red’, ‘Hard Corner’ Policies, A Year After Parkland                  Shooting.                  parkland-shooting

Kapoor, H. (2019). MSD students experience active shooter drills and implementation of ‘hard corners’. The Eagle Eye. implementation-of-hard-corners/

Lipman, A. (2018). ‘Hard corners’ designated in Martin County classrooms to prepare for active shooter scenarios.          for-active-shooter-scenarios

McGivern, K. (2018). ‘Hard corners’ could be coming to every Floridia classroom. ABC Action News.

MSD Public Safety Commission. (2019). Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission.            


Created By

John S. Carlson, PhD, LP, HSP

Sydney R. Nelson, LMSW

Contact Us

John S. Carlson, PhD, LP, HSP



Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI 48825

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